RESULTS: August 2007 Licensure Examination For Teachers (L.E.T.) For Elementary, last name starting with Z

List of passers of the AUGUST 2007 LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (L.E.T.) FOR ELEMENTARY, last name starting with Z

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced yesterday that 18,376 elementary teachers out of 66,709 examinees and 16,811 secondary teachers out of 57,723 examinees passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) given by the Board for Professional Teachers on Aug. 26 in 19 testing centers in the country.

Successful Applicants

Zoilon Maxwell Unabia Send your congratulations
Zolina Melanie Morales Send your congratulations
Zonio Mechille Magbanua Send your congratulations
Zosa Ma Cristina Jabon Send your congratulations
Zosas Francine Megan Bayona Send your congratulations
Zulita Jennifer Pagol Send your congratulations
Zulueta Mariane Planas Send your congratulations
Zuñiga Donna Marie Naco Send your congratulations
Zuño Ma Corazon Araño Send your congratulations
Zurbito Cheryl Licup Send your congratulations
Zurita Mark Win Duran Send your congratulations
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