RESULTS: August 2018 Electronics Technician Licensure Examination (Sple), last name starting with L

List of passers of the AUGUST 2018 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN LICENSURE EXAMINATION (SPLE), last name starting with L

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces the Electronics Technician Licensure Examination given by the Board of Electronics Engineering in: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Al-Khobar, Jeddah and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Bahrain; Qatar; Kuwait, Oman and in Singapore last August 2018.

Held on AUGUST 26, 2018
Released on OCTOBER 1, 2018

Number of Passers: 52

Successful Applicants

Ladiana Sherwin Valino Send your congratulations
Lagas Marthe Paje Send your congratulations
Licera Erwin Libron Send your congratulations