RESULTS: December 2015 Real Estate Consultant Licensure Examination, last name starting with B

List of passers of the DECEMBER 2015 REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with B

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 49 out of 64 passed the Real Estate Consultant Licensure Examination given by the Board of Real Estate Service in Manila last December 13, 2015 (Written) and January 12-15 & 17-18, 2016 (Revalida).


Held on DECEMBER 13, 2015 (WRITTEN) and JANUARY 12, 2016 & FF. DAYS (REVALIDA). Released on JANUARY 19, 2016

Successful Applicants

Bango Vanessa Magboo Send your congratulations
Barsatan Gilbert Ramos Send your congratulations
Basbacio Ramilito Remo Send your congratulations
Basco Jessie Jr Lelis Send your congratulations
BerbaƱo Rafael Librando Send your congratulations