RESULTS: June 2012 Architect Licensure Examination, last name starting with H

List of passers of the JUNE 2012 ARCHITECT LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with H

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 987 out of 1,947 passed the Architect Licensure Examination (ALE) given by the Board of Architecture headed by its Chairman, Arch. Armando N. Alli with two other members, Arch. Angeline T. Chua Chiaco and Arch. Marietta Bundalian Segovia. The examination was held in Manila this June 8 & 10, 2012.

ARCHITECT LICENSURE EXAMINATION. Held on JUNE 8 & 10, 2012 Released on JUNE 14, 2012

Successful Applicants

Hapal Fidel Sandino Furio Send your congratulations
Hermoso Rico NiƱo Ando Send your congratulations
Hernandez David Samuel Soriano Send your congratulations
Hernandez Jasper Kastinah San Jose Send your congratulations
Herrera Harry Jim Bongcac Send your congratulations
How Thacy Marishka Jover Send your congratulations
Hui Man Hun Alcos Send your congratulations
Hurtado Bentham Jr Antiporta Send your congratulations