RESULTS: June 2016 Architect Licensure Examination, last name starting with D

List of passers of the JUNE 2016 ARCHITECT LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with D

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1,243 out of 2,224 passed the Architect Licensure Examination (ALE) given by the Board of Architecture headed by its Chairman, Arch. Robert S. Sac with two other members, Arch. Fidel Jose R. Siapno and Arch. Robert M. Mirafuente. The examination was held in Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legazpi this June 24 and 26, 2016.


Held on JUNE 24 & 26, 2016. Released on JUNE 29, 2016

Successful Applicants

Dorado Adjhien Bitoon Send your congratulations
Doropan Rolando Jr Lognasin Send your congratulations
Du Dianne Abigail Li Send your congratulations
Duldulao Roy Mamuad Send your congratulations
Dumadag Jessie Tolentino Send your congratulations
Dy Fiona Marie Coloma Send your congratulations
Dy Henri Steven Li Send your congratulations
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