RESULTS: March 2016 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination, last name starting with S

List of passers of the MARCH 2016 MECHANICAL ENGINEER LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with S

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 910 out of 1,645 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination and 33 out of 53 passed the Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination given by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila, Baguio and Cebu last March 2016.


Held on MARCH 30 & 31, 2016. Released on APRIL 5, 2016

Successful Applicants

Suarez Jonathan Carizo Send your congratulations
Subaldo Raphael Rae Troyo Send your congratulations
Subrida John Rex Delalamon Send your congratulations
Suico Dave Exequiel Claracay Send your congratulations
Sumilang Alvin Saberola Send your congratulations
Sumulong England Legaspi Send your congratulations
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