RESULTS: November 2011 Radiologic Technologist Licensure Examination, last name starting with H

List of passers of the NOVEMBER 2011 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with H

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 465 out of 855
passed the Radiologic Technologist Licensure Examination and 41 out of 152 passed the X-Ray Technologist Licensure Examination given by the Board of Radiologic Technology in the cities of Manila and Zamboanga this November 2011.

Successful Applicants

Habagat Bryan Bantugan Send your congratulations
Habla Bobby Handig Send your congratulations
Hamsiraji Gynevae Claudio Send your congratulations
Hashim Rheena Mabilin Send your congratulations
Hashim Sumaira Sampang Send your congratulations
Hayag Nicasio Datinguinoo Send your congratulations
Herrera Monica Oraa Send your congratulations
Historillo Angelo Lecaros Send your congratulations
Hugo Giecel Pagaling Send your congratulations
Hussin Jhalmalyn Mukaram Send your congratulations