RESULTS: October 2012 Bar Examination, last name starting with S

List of passers of the OCTOBER 2012 BAR EXAMINATION, last name starting with S

Of the 5,686 who took the Bar exams last year, only 949 passed, a source from the Supreme Court said.

This is a mere 17%.

The source said the high court decided even to bring down the passing grade to 70%. Had it not, the passers would have numbered some 300 only.

Deputy Clerk of Court and Bar Confidant Atty. Ma. Cristina B. Layusa earlier said that each exam would consist of a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) portion and an essay portion.

The MCQ portion had a weight of 60%, while the essay exam part had a weight of 40%. There was also a performance test (trial memorandum) in the afternoon of the last Sunday of the exams.

The Bar exams this year will revert to its previous format, which was predominantly essay-type.

The Bar exams will be held on the four Sundays of October 2013 and would consist of 80 percent essay-type questions and 20 percent multiple-choice questions (MCQ).

Successful Applicants

Sabado Joseph Mario Send your congratulations
Sabas Lloyd Francis Send your congratulations
Sabaupan Flor Angela Send your congratulations
Sabornay Ricky Send your congratulations
Sabornido Noemi Send your congratulations
Sagario Leo Angelo Send your congratulations
Salarzon Henry Claude Roy Send your congratulations
Salazar Jerome Send your congratulations
Salazar Patrick Henry Send your congratulations
Salcedo-Pudpud Debbie Love Send your congratulations
Salem-Ines Chermibelle Send your congratulations
Salendab Ayla Herazade Send your congratulations
Salva Carlo Emmanuel Send your congratulations
Salvani A.D. Vincent Iv Send your congratulations
Samaco Leo Bernard Send your congratulations
Samson Martin Luigi Send your congratulations
Sanchez Marie Yasmin Send your congratulations
San Diego Jr. Virgilio Send your congratulations
Sandoval Camhella Send your congratulations
Sandoval Josephine Grace Send your congratulations
Sandrino Maureen Grace Send your congratulations
Sanggacala Naima Send your congratulations
San Pedro Leila Grace Send your congratulations
Santamaria Dindo Send your congratulations
Santiago Dulce Corazon Send your congratulations
Santiago Jefferson Send your congratulations
Santiago Philippe Emile Send your congratulations
Santos Alexander Send your congratulations
Santos Ana Lorraine Send your congratulations
Santos Aurelia Beatrice Send your congratulations
Santos Joel Enrico Send your congratulations
Santos Juan Paolo Send your congratulations
Santos Karichi Send your congratulations
Santos Kathleen Mae Send your congratulations
Santos Melissa Christina Send your congratulations
Sarabosquez Justine Keith Send your congratulations
Sarangaya Jr. Ismael Send your congratulations
Sarona Jr. Isidro Send your congratulations
Sayson Charlotte Lyza Send your congratulations
Sazon Ser Christian Send your congratulations
See Candice Faye Send your congratulations
Selleza Suzy Claire Send your congratulations
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