RESULTS: October 2014 Civil Service Professional Level (Paper And Pencil Test) Examination, last name starting with D


The Commission administered the Career Service Examination – Paper and Pencil Test in both professional and sub-professional level last October 26, 2014 in various testing centers nationwide.

The results were released forty-one (41) working days after the examination. Successful examinees must claim their Certificate of Eligibility at the CSC Regional Office/Field Office.

However, the unsuccessful examinees may secure their Report of Rating through CSC Website.

Successful Applicants

De Luna Beverly Diane P Send your congratulations
De Luna Jedrick E Send your congratulations
De Luna Justin Rhey V Send your congratulations
De Luna Karla Mae Y Send your congratulations
Deluyas Ronnie T Send your congratulations
Deluz Mikka Marie S Send your congratulations
Delvo Sherry Ann L Send your congratulations
Demabildo Jhenny Ricca D Send your congratulations
Demagante Markine Rafael Ceazar O Send your congratulations
Demandante Jelyn A Send your congratulations
De Manuel Crisdel Francis Z Send your congratulations
Demape Junnel P Send your congratulations
De Mata Laurence Gay V Send your congratulations
De Mayo Jay-Ar A Send your congratulations
Demayo Jose Paolo D Send your congratulations
Demegillo Brian Ross M Send your congratulations
De Mesa Mariel M Send your congratulations
De Mesa Omar Z Send your congratulations
Demol Liberato Iii M Send your congratulations
Demonteverde Ritchel L Send your congratulations
Demotica Rinalyn G Send your congratulations
Dempayos Recis C Send your congratulations
Denamarca Mark Dawn G Send your congratulations
Deniega Reina Marie R Send your congratulations
Deniola Adonis John G Send your congratulations
Deocadez April Joy T Send your congratulations
De Ocampo Danielle Angelo B Send your congratulations
De Ocampo Jillian B Send your congratulations
De Ocampo Marianne Molyn T Send your congratulations
Deocampo Francine Jeanne D Send your congratulations
Deodores Abigail Y Send your congratulations
Deodores Sandra Cecilia G Send your congratulations
Deomano Elmira Julia Mae I Send your congratulations
De Padua Ton Anthony T Send your congratulations
De Pedro Ira Camille D Send your congratulations
De Pedro Leonel N Send your congratulations
De Peralta Daryl Jett A Send your congratulations
De Peralta Febie Rose J Send your congratulations
De Peralta Rochelle C Send your congratulations
De Peralta Ronel D Send your congratulations
De Perio Ronilo B Send your congratulations
Deponio Maynard A Send your congratulations
Depositario Karlo Jay N Send your congratulations
Dequilla Michael M Send your congratulations
Dequito Angelbert R Send your congratulations
De Ramos Clarisa Bryn B Send your congratulations
De Ramos Jomabel L Send your congratulations
De Ramos Miel A Send your congratulations
Derecho Jeff Clarence G Send your congratulations
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