RESULTS: September 2010 Licensure Examination For Teachers (L.E.T.) For Secondary, last name starting with J

List of passers of the SEPTEMBER 2010 LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS (L.E.T.) FOR SECONDARY, last name starting with J

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board for Professional Teachers (BPT) announces that 7,737 elementary teachers out of 39,508 examinees (19.58%), 31 Accelerated Teacher Education Program (A.T.E.P.) graduates out of 430 examinees (7.21%) and 9,493 secondary teachers out of 36,714 examinees (25.86%) successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T) given last September 26, 2010 in 15 testing centers all over the Philippines.

Successful Applicants

Jurdas Joan Joyce Rogales Send your congratulations
Jurial Jemmar Melecio Send your congratulations
Jusa Gringo Magbanua Send your congratulations
Jusay Joyce Crusado Send your congratulations
Jusayan Treisha Jill Tan Send your congratulations
Jusi Rizza Cornejo Send your congratulations
Justimbaste Kimberly Mae Engo Send your congratulations
Juyo Ella Marie Sanchez Send your congratulations
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