RESULTS: September 2012 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination, last name starting with Y

List of passers of the SEPTEMBER 2012 MECHANICAL ENGINEER LICENSURE EXAMINATION, last name starting with Y

The Professional Regulation Commission has released the September 2012 Mechanical Engineer board exam results as PRC announced that 2,026 out of 2,900 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination, 21 out of 50 passed the Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination and 16 passed the Technical Evaluation for the Upgrading as Professional Mechanical Engineer given by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila and Cebu last September 2012.

Technical Evaluation for the Upgrading as PROFESSIONAL MECHANICAL ENGINEER

Successful Applicants

Yabut Randolf Jose Send your congratulations
Yambing Andrew Torres Send your congratulations
Yandoc Marvin Nevado Send your congratulations
Yanson Ryan Gane Send your congratulations
Yap Nigel Psalm Sy Send your congratulations
Yaquiten Ruben Daileg Send your congratulations
Yee Ranier Jumalon Send your congratulations
Ymbong Jessie Mario Jr Arat Send your congratulations
Yonson Jovanie Abundiente Send your congratulations
Yparraguirre Arnie Lauron Send your congratulations
Yu Jethro Marcos Send your congratulations
Yubal Jeranlou Montesclaros Send your congratulations
Yurag Bimson Michael Geovanni Camposano Send your congratulations
Yutuc Noel Jr Rodillas Send your congratulations